Details for current job opportunities at LawWorks are listed below
Current vacancies
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Clinic Support and Development Officer
We are recruiting a Clinics and Development Officer, a homebased role but to be located in Wales or South West England. This role will include helping to develop and support your own set of clinics, building on existing relationships in the Southwest of England. You will work with our members and the local advice sector to support the development of new pro bono clinics to meet unmet legal needs.
To apply download the recruitment pack and person specification:
Please submit your application to citing ‘Clinic Support & Development Officer’ in the subject line.
For an informal conversation about the role (in confidence) please contact Rebecca Howell, Head of Clinics Programme.
The deadline for applications is 11.59pm on Sunday the 8th of September. Interviews for shortlisted applicants are planned for Thursday 19th September.
Interviews for shortlisted applicants are planned for Thursday 19th September.
External vacancies
Vacancies from LawWorks Members, clinics and organisations passionate about access to justice are located here on our website.
Equal opportunities
LawWorks is committed to equal opportunities and opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination on the basis of race, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, nationality or national origin, disability, religion or age.
Under this policy LawWorks wishes to monitor its progress towards implementing equal opportunities. When applying for a job at LawWorks please help us with this by completing our Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form.
You can either print off the form, or we can post you a form on request; alternatively you will have the opportunity to fill the form out online (again anonymously) when you submit your application. Please return the completed form anonymously (no cover letter required) to LawWorks, DX 115, 50-52 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1HL. The form is separate from your application, and will not be seen by the recruitment panel and plays no part in the recruitment process).
The equal opportunities forms will not be processed until after the recruitment process has been completed.