The LIPSS partnership, which focuses on civil justice, is funded by the Ministry of Justice and comprises the work of the following partners: The Access to Justice Foundation LawWorks (the...
04/10/2021 - 12:38pm
It was in April 2018 that the Windrush scandal gained the publics’ attention. The Windrush generation1 came originally from British colonies fully believing they were British Citizens, only much...
20/10/2021 - 12:09pm -
Delivered by Olivia Vicol, founder of the Work Rights Centre, and Lora Tabakova, employment rights expert, this session focuses on employment law for migrant workers. The session covers: Most...
22/10/2021 - 3:58pm -
The ‘Windrush scandal’ surfaced in 2017 after it emerged that hundreds of Commonwealth citizens, many of whom were from the ‘Windrush’ generation, had been wrongly detained, deported and denied legal...
22/11/2021 - 12:10pm -
Delivered by Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law at the Competition & Markets Authority. This session provides an introduction to consumer law, as well as giving an update on Brexit and Covid...
02/02/2022 - 5:26pm -
Jasmine Ashley-Tagoe (Toynbee Hall Free Legal Advice Centre), Bernadette O’Sullivan (Dentons) and Francine Ryan (Open University) provided insight into their client triaging processes and shared...
03/02/2022 - 11:19am -
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers, this video focuses on the procedural changes in place in respect of residential possession claims and looks ahead to future changes. The...
03/02/2022 - 3:59pm -
Delivered by Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law at the Competition and Markets Authority. This video focuses on developing case analysis skills and drafting consumer law contract pleadings....
16/02/2022 - 10:49am -
Alex Lowry, CourtNav Lead at RCJ Advice, introduced Finding Legal Options for Female Survivors (FLOWS) and their CourtNav service, a tool to support applications for a non-molestation and/or...
23/02/2022 - 2:02pm -
Delivered by Elizabeth Dwomoh, barrister, Lamb Chambers. This video provides an update to the statutory repairing and improvement obligations placed on landlords, as well as tenants repairing. This...
04/03/2022 - 10:59am