The inquiry was set up by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Legal Aid, which is supported by the Legal Aid Practitioners Group (LAPG). As well as evidence sessions and...
22/06/2021 - 9:45am
Under the new SQE route to qualification applicants will need to complete a minimum of two years' QWE before they can qualify as a solicitor. QWE is similar to a training contract and may be...
28/06/2021 - 4:40pm -
This report provides an analysis of pro bono legal advice work delivered across the LawWorks Clinics Network between January and December 2020, covering a period in which clinics have mostly been...
20/07/2021 - 4:05pm -
This session, presented by Richard Pitkethly (Head of Learning and Practice, LawWorks), looks at supervision with students and caseworkers sharing their experience. It aims to de-mystify supervision...
29/07/2021 - 2:56pm -
We are pleased to make this submission to the Law Commission concerning its 14th Law Reform programme. The Law Commission plays an essential function in keeping areas under review with the aim of...
02/08/2021 - 12:18pm -
Delivered by Antonia Torr, Partner at Howard Kennedy LLP, this video provides an introduction to Article 8 in immigration cases. Topics covered include: Key Article 8 ECHR immigration cases and...
03/08/2021 - 11:01am -
Delivered by Matthew Smith, Principal (Legal), Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), this video focusses on the law and practice in relation to the positive discrimination provisions contained...
06/08/2021 - 11:36am -
Delivered by Katie Henderson and Linette Graham, undergraduate law students of the University of Westminster and volunteers at the pro bono clinic at Dad’s House (under the supervision of Simon Bruce...
06/08/2021 - 3:55pm -
Referrals are an inherent part of the advice sector. Clinics often support clients that have been referred by other frontline organisations and equally may have to refer clients to an alternative...
31/08/2021 - 2:06pm -
The September InfoExchange raised awareness of the needs of clients who have communication difficulties, and looked at the role that assistive technology can play in clinics to support these...
08/09/2021 - 1:02pm