SILKS - University of Salford law clinic



Salford Law Clinic

Maxwell Building

The Crescent


M5 4WT

Phone number

0161 295 6403

Opening Times

Housing law – Tuesday mornings Family law – Thursday mornings

Area(s) of law

Family, Housing

Who can access this clinic?

This Clinic offers online appointments using Microsoft Teams so clients can be in any geographical location within England.

Information about accessibility

Clients will need an email address and smartphone, tablet, laptop or PC. Support will be provided to assist clients with accessing and using Microsoft Teams.

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Form Filling, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Appointment, Online

Summary of Service

You can request an appointment through the website, by emailing or by calling the clinic phone number. Initial interview by students and advice provided by solicitor. Written confirmation and action points to follow, supervised by solicitors.