Bloomsbury Law Clinic



7 Bedford Square



Opening Times

Via appointment

Area(s) of law


Other areas of law available

Housing Law for residential tenants: tenancy disputes, disrepair and homelessness.

This clinic offers the following service(s)

Written Advice, Initial Advice

You can access the service in the following way(s)

Telephone, Online

Summary of Service

PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLINIC IS CURRENTLY CLOSED TO NEW CASES. We provide written legal advice to residential tenants who have a Housing Law problem. Clients are invited to attend a 45-minute interview (via Teams or telephone) with one of our Student Advisors under the supervision of one of our fully qualified and experienced local lawyers. Following the interview, clients receive the legal advice in the form of a letter that can be accessed through our secure online document sharing system. To request an appointment, please complete an online Enquiry Form that is available on the Law Clinic’s website: